Studying of Parameters of the Directing Mechanism of a Mesh Plane By Is Difficult-Harmonious Vibrating Movement

Dadajanov Arafat Komiljanovich


This article is intended to present a solution of raw cotton cleaning process using inertial method of waste separation. Cleaning method is based on use of dynamic methods for waste separation. There is made analysis of such method using theoretical and experimental research. Practical implementation of such method is described. Theoretical researches define conditions of cotton piece fly and meet from cleaning grill. Parameters of the directing mechanism of a mesh plane which is generating difficult harmonious movement of cleaning grill also have been calculated. Efficiency of clearing it is checked up practical on laboratory installation with designed by authors. Finally, conclusions on research results are made.

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Dadajanov Arafat Komiljanovich
Dadajanov Arafat Komiljanovich. (2024). Studying of Parameters of the Directing Mechanism of a Mesh Plane By Is Difficult-Harmonious Vibrating Movement. American Journal of Technology Advancement, 1(1), 15–23. Retrieved from
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