Leadership Challenges in Tertiary Education in Nigeria and the Way Forward

John Wajim, Simon Omoregie Ajayi


The realization of tertiary education depends on the availability of competent leaders and other resources. Leadership is germane in the development of tertiary education. So, this study examined the leadership challenges in Nigerian tertiary institutions.  Depending on secondary data, print materials and online publications were collected for this study. The content analysis and elimination method were adopted to choose the literature that was suitable to the topic and line of the study.  After critical review and selection, some pieces of the literature indicated that poor funding, political interferences, inadequate infrastructure facilities, shortage of academic staff, strike action, brain-drain, corruption and insecurity are the major leadership challenges that tertiary institution leaders face. The study also identified low implementation of tertiary education programmes and low extent of attainment of tertiary education goals as the implications of the challenges on the leadership. Based on this, the paper recommended huge investment in tertiary institutions by the federal and state governments. Secondly, capacity building should be organised for leaders in the management of tertiary institutions in Nigeria

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John Wajim
Simon Omoregie Ajayi
John Wajim, & Simon Omoregie Ajayi. (2024). Leadership Challenges in Tertiary Education in Nigeria and the Way Forward. American Journal of Political Science and Leadership Studies, 1(2), 1–8. Retrieved from https://semantjournals.org/index.php/AJPSLS/article/view/66
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