Peer Review Process

Peer review is a crucial element in upholding high standards within publishing and ensuring that scientific conference information from authors and researchers worldwide is of the highest quality. All submissions to the editorial team undergo a rigorous evaluation process, beginning with Desk Review and Initial Manuscript Evaluation conducted by esteemed Editorial Board members. Subsequently, articles are subjected to Double-Blind Peer Review by two highly regarded reviewers in the field. Following this, authors are provided with feedback for revision, with the entire process typically taking up to four weeks. Reviewers assess manuscripts based on both substantive and technical aspects. The publication timeline averages around eight weeks from submission to acceptance, with articles either accepted without revision, accepted with minor or major revisions, or rejected. Authors are promptly notified of the peer-review outcomes via email and are given eight weeks to address reviewer feedback. To maintain originality and prevent plagiarism, all articles are scrutinized using Turnitin before publication, with a maximum allowable similarity index of 20%.


The article could be accepted without revision, accepted with minor or major revision, and rejected. The peer-review result will be notified to the authors via email. The author then has to revise as suggested by the reviewer no later than eight weeks after notification.

To prevent plagiarism, all the articles before publication will be checked for originality using Turnitin, with a maximum similarity limit of 20%.