Difficulties in Teaching English to Children in Primary School

Xoliqova Xumora Jahongir qizi


Teaching English to children in primary school presents a unique set of challenges that require a deep understanding of child development, language acquisition, and effective pedagogical practices. This article examines the multifaceted difficulties inherent in this endeavor, highlighting factors such as age-appropriate instruction, cultural and linguistic diversity, limited resources, and the importance of fostering a positive learning environment. We delve into the complexities of balancing traditional grammar-based approaches with communicative and play-based methodologies, ultimately advocating for a holistic approach that addresses the individual needs of each child. By recognizing and addressing these challenges, educators can create a more effective and engaging learning experience that empowers young learners to develop a strong foundation in English language proficiency.

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Xoliqova Xumora Jahongir qizi
Xoliqova Xumora Jahongir qizi. (2024). Difficulties in Teaching English to Children in Primary School. American Journal of Political Science and Leadership Studies, 1(2), 16–18. Retrieved from https://semantjournals.org/index.php/AJPSLS/article/view/91
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