Open Access Policy

Open Access Policy

The American Journal of Technology Advancement (AJTA) is committed to the principles of open access, aiming to make research freely accessible to a global audience without barriers. As part of our open access policy, the following guidelines are implemented:

  1. Free Access: All articles published in AJTA are freely available to readers worldwide, ensuring that research findings are accessible to researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and the general public without subscription or paywall restrictions.

  2. Immediate Availability: Accepted articles are promptly made available online upon publication, allowing for immediate dissemination of research findings and facilitating rapid knowledge sharing and collaboration.

  3. Creative Commons License: Authors retain copyright of their work and grant AJTA the right to publish, reproduce, distribute, and archive the work under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license. This license allows users to freely share, adapt, and build upon the work, provided proper attribution is given to the original authors.

  4. Archiving: AJTA archives all published articles in digital repositories to ensure long-term preservation and accessibility. This practice safeguards research outputs for future generations and enhances the visibility and impact of published works.

  5. Author Rights: Authors retain the right to reuse and redistribute their published work, subject to the terms of the CC BY license. This enables authors to disseminate their research more widely and incorporate their findings into future publications or presentations.

  6. Indexing and Discovery: AJTA works with indexing services and databases to ensure that published articles are widely indexed and discoverable by researchers worldwide. This enhances the visibility and accessibility of research published in the journal, increasing its potential impact and reach.

  7. Transparent Fees: AJTA does not charge authors any article processing charges (APCs) or submission fees. Our open access policy is designed to promote equitable access to research publication opportunities without imposing financial barriers on authors.

By embracing open access principles, AJTA aims to democratize access to knowledge, accelerate the pace of scientific discovery, and foster global collaboration in the advancement of technology. We believe that open access publishing is essential for promoting innovation, driving societal progress, and addressing the world's most pressing challenges.

For further inquiries regarding our open access policy, please contact the editorial office at


Sincerely, AJTA Editorial Team