Peer Review Process

Peer Review Process

The American Journal of Technology Advancement (AJTA) follows a rigorous peer review process to ensure the quality, validity, and relevance of the research articles it publishes. Our peer review process involves the following steps:

  1. Initial Editorial Assessment: Upon submission, each manuscript undergoes an initial editorial assessment to ensure that it meets the journal's scope and formatting guidelines. The editorial team evaluates the manuscript for its originality, significance, and adherence to ethical standards.

  2. Assignment of Reviewers: After passing the initial editorial assessment, the manuscript is assigned to two or more expert reviewers with relevant expertise in the field. Reviewers are selected based on their knowledge, experience, and impartiality.

  3. Double-Blind Peer Review: AJTA employs a double-blind peer review process, where the identities of both the authors and the reviewers are kept anonymous to ensure impartiality and objectivity. Reviewers evaluate the manuscript based on its clarity, methodology, originality, significance of findings, and contribution to the field.

  4. Reviewer Evaluation: Reviewers critically assess the manuscript and provide constructive feedback to the authors. They may recommend acceptance, minor revisions, major revisions, or rejection based on the manuscript's quality and alignment with the journal's standards.

  5. Author Notification: Upon completion of the peer review process, the editorial team notifies the authors of the decision regarding their manuscript. Authors receive detailed feedback from the reviewers, along with recommendations for revisions if necessary.

  6. Revision and Resubmission: If revisions are requested, authors are given the opportunity to address the reviewers' comments and revise their manuscript accordingly. Revised manuscripts are then re-evaluated by the editorial team and reviewers to ensure that all concerns have been adequately addressed.

  7. Final Decision: Following the revision process, the editorial team makes a final decision regarding the acceptance or rejection of the manuscript. Accepted manuscripts are then prepared for publication in the journal.

The peer review process at AJTA is designed to uphold the highest standards of scholarly integrity and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field of technology advancement. We are committed to providing authors with timely, constructive feedback and maintaining the quality and credibility of the research published in our journal.