Plagiarism Policy

The American Journal of Technology Advancement (AJTA) adheres to a strict policy against plagiarism and unethical practices in research and publishing. Plagiarism, in any form, undermines the integrity of scholarly work and violates the trust of readers, authors, reviewers, and the academic community at large. To uphold the highest standards of academic integrity, AJTA has implemented the following plagiarism policy:

  1. Definition of Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the act of presenting someone else's work, ideas, or intellectual property as one's own without proper attribution. This includes, but is not limited to, copying verbatim text from sources without citation, paraphrasing or summarizing ideas without acknowledgment, and self-plagiarism (reuse of one's own previously published work without proper citation).

  2. Plagiarism Detection: All submitted manuscripts undergo plagiarism detection using reliable plagiarism detection software. Authors are required to ensure that their manuscripts contain original work and properly cite and reference all sources used.

  3. Acceptable Similarity Index: AJTA considers a maximum similarity index of 20% as acceptable for submitted manuscripts. Manuscripts exceeding this threshold may be subject to further scrutiny and potential rejection.

  4. Author Responsibility: Authors are responsible for ensuring the originality of their work and for obtaining permissions for any copyrighted material used in their manuscripts. Authors must accurately cite and reference all sources, including their own previously published work.

  5. Consequences of Plagiarism: Manuscripts found to contain instances of plagiarism or unethical behavior may be rejected outright or withdrawn from consideration. Authors found to have engaged in plagiarism may be subject to sanctions, including but not limited to, being banned from submitting to AJTA in the future.

  6. Appeals and Disputes: Authors who believe that a decision regarding plagiarism has been made in error may appeal the decision by providing evidence to support their claim. All appeals will be considered carefully by the editorial team.

  7. Educational Outreach: AJTA is committed to educating authors, reviewers, and the broader academic community about the importance of academic integrity and ethical publishing practices. Educational resources and guidelines on avoiding plagiarism are provided to authors to promote awareness and understanding.

By adhering to a strict plagiarism policy, AJTA aims to maintain the credibility and trustworthiness of published research and uphold the principles of academic integrity and ethical conduct in scholarly publishing.

For further inquiries regarding our plagiarism policy or to report suspected cases of plagiarism, please contact the editorial office at [email address].

Sincerely, AJTA Editorial Team