Belt Conveyors for the Purpose of Increase Work Efficiency In Cotton Gaining Plants for Transportation

Panjiyev Orifjon, Yangiboyev Ikromjon


Cotton is one of the most valuable types of raw materials, from which more than 300 types of products of wide consumption, technical and special purpose are produced. Cotton fiber is the main type of raw material for textile, knitting, tailoring and other sectors of light industry. Various types of gauze, sewing thread, artificial silk, various technical products and many other products are produced from it.

Increasing labor productivity, improving the quality of products produced in the cotton ginning industry, reducing its cost, increasing the accuracy and technological efficiency of machines, as well as complex mechanization and automation of the technological process of the initial processing of cotton require the creation of more advanced equipment.

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Panjiyev Orifjon
Yangiboyev Ikromjon
Panjiyev Orifjon, & Yangiboyev Ikromjon. (2024). Belt Conveyors for the Purpose of Increase Work Efficiency In Cotton Gaining Plants for Transportation. American Journal of Technology Advancement, 1(1), 10–14. Retrieved from
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